Monday, April 18, 2016

The Story of my backwards "E" and All Mixed Up

And with everything comes a story.
All Mixed Up came about during one of my life's greatest and worst "storms". It was in this storm that I grew, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 
Art has always been an escape for me. There are releases of feelings and emotions that I can't even begin to explain in words when I apply my heart and soul into creating whatever it is I sit down to do. No Art lessons. No College of the Arts. All self taught and God guided gifting. 
Now on to the story of my backwards "E".........
When I first started metal stamping and making jewelry, I jumped right in. No experience, just sme interesting pinterest posts I had come across starting a burning desire to become creative on my own. I visited my local art and hobby store, bought the supplies and kind of winged it. 
The first necklace I stamped was to say "With brave wings she flies". I got to the word "brave", to the "E", and accidentally stamped it backwards. Frustrated and oh so unsatisfied, I tossed it to the side and started all over. Stamping the next one correctly. Perfectly straight lines, no letter out of place. Totally uniform and so NOT ME. I returned to the messed up plate and completed it, all with the backwards "E", no straight lines, no uniformity, just kind of "All Mixed Up" and I loved it. It was unique. It was original and it was mine.
About a month after All Mixed Up was born I lost my little brother in a tragic car accident. He left behind a beautiful wife, 7 children, an amazing sister (me of course) an awesome mixed up compilation of family and loving friends. We all know he's in heaven getting stuff ready for us. He's our angel now. He had a love for the number 3. I could go on for hours about his love for this number and events and stories and accounts of this special number in his life, but I should stay on topic and get to my story. This backwards "E" quickly became a reminder of that special #3. It is recognized everywhere in my small little town. It is identified as "Hey, All Mixed Up made that! ". 
So the "E"...ya...It's my trademark. It's my story. And a piece of him goes with every piece I make. Not the end of my story I'm sure...but what an awesome beginning. I look forward to the future of what this brings. 
Be sure to go like my Facebook pages, follow my ramblings in my personal blog and to see more of my work, faith, inspiration, opportunities, love, laughter and more.

Find my jewelry here: All Mixed Up by Monnie and follow me on Facebook for your daily dose of faith, hope, love, sarcasm, laughter and more!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Raising the Wild One

Raising a spirited child is a blessing and a challenge.

They have this beautiful resilience about them and we know in our hearts that this will be vital in adulthood, but we are caught in this balancing act we call parenting, and if you're anything like me, you question this ability daily and wonder if you're doing any part of it right.
On the best of days, I am in awe of my wild one. She is imaginative, compassionate, witty, funny and downright determined just to name a few. She says such profound things that fill my heart with joy and wonder and sometimes, even heart wrenching disbelief, as I slowly see her innocence slipping away before my very eyes, into adolescence and some day soon, adulthood.

I am a realist, I know she isn't perfect, she does and will make bad choices, she will do things that I don't approve of, it's how we grow, it's how we learn, it's my greatest hope that I've instilled in her the example and building blocks she needs tolearn from those choices to turn negatives into positives, because that is what is important. Growth.  
On the days when my patience runs thin, I wonder if I’ll be strong enough for her.  As much as I know I should just breathe, count and even walk into another room, I catch myself, breaking down and yelling, only causing a fight, and she fights right back. Butting heads with a wild one only causes them to push harder. On these days I want to pull my hair out in frustration, but then I realize I'll look funny bald, so I try to work those frustrations out in other avenues. 
This was not what I pictured parenting would be like. In all honestly I never pictured myself as a parent, coming from a broken childhood, broken parents and a broken soul, I never pictured myself as a parent, because I lived with fear that I would never know how to be a good mom.
I was blessed with grandparents that kept me clothed, fed and showed me unconditional love. We didn't have a lot, but it was more than enough to guide me and give me roots. For that I am eternally grateful. I still lived with fear, because it was never the same as having a mom, there was still a void in my heart, a yearning and a wonder to know what it was like to have that relationship.
I have since grown up and come to peace with much of it, the grace of God's love has filled me with so much more than I could have ever imagined. I live with determination that my wild one will never have to wonder what that's like. I'm here, with her. Fighting til the end. I wouldn't trade a minute of it, I wouldn't trade her.

Demand from a wild one, and they will demand from us. Teach a wild one, and they will teach us, too.

One day I realized that everything I want for my daughter already comes so naturally to her. Her independence, determination, wit and deep compassion will help her navigate through adulthood in our society.
I realized that instead of trying to shape her it was my job to guide her. Guide her to better choices and morality, and away from harm. That is, after all, the meaning of discipline.

It is easier said than done with the wild ones.
Redirecting and guiding is a process of trial and error. Validation and positive reinforcement may work one day and not another, and at times it seems we have to be three steps ahead so they don’t figure out our methods.
We have to think ahead, be quick to adapt and learn to roll with changes.
We must forget about any personal idea of perfection.
Her mind leads me to believe that she will do great things. Sometimes, I fear for her, though.
Will her determination stay on the path of hard work and kindness? Will she transition into adulthood in the way I hope?
She is determined, throughout the day, to help people see what she sees and understand her wants and needs. She loves harder, laughs louder and stands firm in her stance on things for much, much longer than most. She's bull headed, stubborn and painfully honest. 
She's fun and witty and will firmly and without a filter tell you when she disapproves. She is outspoken and honest, and has to be talking during all waking hours.
Not every wild one is this way. While they share certain traits, they are all unique. Watching my daughter recently in a group of girls, I had an ah-ha moment, a moment of clarification, a moment when I realized that as awful as I feel sometimes that I expect her to do some things on her own, I saw a child that was capable of standing on her own two feet to do what needed to be done without someone else doing it for her. I witnessed it and it filled my heart with joy, I know she is going to be a capable, functional, responsible, independent adult. 

To the parents of these wonderfully wild children:

First, a big hug, from a distance, or a virtual hug if you will.
Self care is important when raising these beautifully spirited souls. Always, always, always #loveyourself no matter how they might make you feel some days.
We are exhausted, proud, frustrated and amazed—sometimes all in the same day.
Their minds blow us away. We cherish those little moments of peace and cry when our children decide that they know more than us and make us feel as if we are the dumbest humans on the planet. 
Let’s be thankful for the lessons. Let’s find and hold onto little moments to be grateful for, and remember that the wild ones can help shape and change our world.
We have been given this wonderful challenge, cherish it. I'm thankful every day that God chose me to be her mom.

Much love to you all - 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Follow Your Heart

“There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don’t you?”~ Rumi

Place your left hand on your heart and your right hand on your belly. Take a moment to let your self-awareness move away from the space of your head, travel down your neck and into the space of your heart. Inhale, feel for your heart beat and then exhale. Repeat this five times...

And then dare yourself to be honest about what is true for you. Because maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow, but one of these days, what the heart has whispered and wanted a thousand times will spill out like a prophetic message onto the very tangible pages of real life, your self-written storybook, and everyone around you will think you've lost your mind. 

You can either be ready with a pen to guide it into a chapter that's meaningful and worthwhile, or you can watch the ink spread out and bleed through so many unnecessary pages that never really come together. One of the greatest human emotions is regret, Don't live a life full of it. Your day is now, your day is today.

Stop asking if it’s wrong or right. Stop making lists, and asking for advice. Stop comparing, you're perfect the way that God created you to be. Start asking yourself what your heart would do, because your heart is separate from your mind. Our minds tell us one thing and our hearts another. Follow your heart, and always remember, comparison is the thief of all joy.  #loveyourself

Much love to you all -


Proverbs 4:23

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flows the springs of life.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Who is she?

I wrote this awhile back to my daughter, and I'm still in awe of watching her grow and almost transform before my very eyes. Life is so short, cherish every moment.

I watched her this morning, and I am in disbelief of this partly grown woman standing in front of me. I'm struggling with this teenage stuff. Who is she and where did my baby go?

After dropping her off at school I found myself thinking on some things of her younger years. Memories of when I had no doubts that she loved me, and when I was her hero, I wasn't so embarrasing and she didn't look at me like I have two heads when I spoke to her. Lol!

While lots of times she made a thorough mess of everything freshly cleaned, remembering the utter glee she expressed over things that I had long forgotten were beautiful, things like frogs and dandelions and potting soil. My eyes welled with tears and then I began to laugh and I remember lots of times thinking to myself, I am really glad that you werent yet old enough to realize that your momma is strange, she isn't like all of the rest, nor did I ever want my daughter to be either.

As I think about it, the sudden emotion was because I realized in that moment how many things I wanted to tell her, especially about love. She was and is my world.

And as far as the real world is concerned, there is nothing I want more than to keep her safely in our own backyard and to protect her fiercely, but I cannot. The world is a dangerous place, but she is dangerous as well.  

To you my beautiful baby girl, Do not fear the wolves in the forest. You are no sheep. You are not prey and anyone who insinuates otherwise is not worthy of your time. Leave them to their own locks and carry on with your keys. Pray for them and always remember, you are the daughter of a risen King. You got this, and I have you, always. 

Until your ego is reminded over and over again that our soul purpose of being here is to love, Love freely. Without borders and without boundaries. Never settle for anything less than what you deserve kinda love. Too many things in this world are done half heartedly, don't let your love be one of them.

Until then keep loving yourself and never, ever, forget that the beautiful messed up soul in front of you needs your love as much as our own messed up selves need our own love too. I sincerely hope you always love hard and love who you want your entire life. Do not allow the brokenness of a shallow society keep you from loving who you love. If other people don’t like it, that’s their burden to carry, not yours.

And until it’s time for you to have to wade into your own oceans, I’ll keep watching over you, taking care of you and learning from you day after day after day. I hope my unconventionality does not always embarrass you. I hope someday you appreciate it. Being authentic to who you are and who you are created to be can cause lots of ruckus, but, for me, authentic is the only life worth living. You make me very proud to be your momma, you make life worth living and I love you with all that I have. You'll always be my baby girl...

Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Monnie Greeson and sign up for email updates to follow me on this crazy journey called life! Email sign up. 
