Monday, April 11, 2016

Who is she?

I wrote this awhile back to my daughter, and I'm still in awe of watching her grow and almost transform before my very eyes. Life is so short, cherish every moment.

I watched her this morning, and I am in disbelief of this partly grown woman standing in front of me. I'm struggling with this teenage stuff. Who is she and where did my baby go?

After dropping her off at school I found myself thinking on some things of her younger years. Memories of when I had no doubts that she loved me, and when I was her hero, I wasn't so embarrasing and she didn't look at me like I have two heads when I spoke to her. Lol!

While lots of times she made a thorough mess of everything freshly cleaned, remembering the utter glee she expressed over things that I had long forgotten were beautiful, things like frogs and dandelions and potting soil. My eyes welled with tears and then I began to laugh and I remember lots of times thinking to myself, I am really glad that you werent yet old enough to realize that your momma is strange, she isn't like all of the rest, nor did I ever want my daughter to be either.

As I think about it, the sudden emotion was because I realized in that moment how many things I wanted to tell her, especially about love. She was and is my world.

And as far as the real world is concerned, there is nothing I want more than to keep her safely in our own backyard and to protect her fiercely, but I cannot. The world is a dangerous place, but she is dangerous as well.  

To you my beautiful baby girl, Do not fear the wolves in the forest. You are no sheep. You are not prey and anyone who insinuates otherwise is not worthy of your time. Leave them to their own locks and carry on with your keys. Pray for them and always remember, you are the daughter of a risen King. You got this, and I have you, always. 

Until your ego is reminded over and over again that our soul purpose of being here is to love, Love freely. Without borders and without boundaries. Never settle for anything less than what you deserve kinda love. Too many things in this world are done half heartedly, don't let your love be one of them.

Until then keep loving yourself and never, ever, forget that the beautiful messed up soul in front of you needs your love as much as our own messed up selves need our own love too. I sincerely hope you always love hard and love who you want your entire life. Do not allow the brokenness of a shallow society keep you from loving who you love. If other people don’t like it, that’s their burden to carry, not yours.

And until it’s time for you to have to wade into your own oceans, I’ll keep watching over you, taking care of you and learning from you day after day after day. I hope my unconventionality does not always embarrass you. I hope someday you appreciate it. Being authentic to who you are and who you are created to be can cause lots of ruckus, but, for me, authentic is the only life worth living. You make me very proud to be your momma, you make life worth living and I love you with all that I have. You'll always be my baby girl...

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